The Oily Hair – How to Treat?

There is a widespread opinion that the reason of oily hair is oily scalp, but often it is completely opposite – also dry scalp may encourage an excessive production of fats, which moves from the scalp on the hair. So, in order to solve the problem of oily hair, we should take care of a dry scalp. See 10 tips, which will help you to treat your oily hair correctly. Wash your hair with gentle shampoo that is meant for greasy hair, dry scalp or babies; If you have greasy hair and dry scalp, wash your hair every day, but…

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How to Treat Greasy Hair?

What are the reasons of greasy hair: hair products containing oils and nutrients; applying of conditioner on hair roots; hair rubbing with towel after washing, especially if they are brittle; prolonged blow-drying with hair-dryer and styling with electric appliances, as heat provokes activity of sebaceous glands; too frequent combing, brushing, and massage; spicy, oily, and sweet diet. Seeing person’s hair, we can evaluate not only its attitude to itself, but also its health condition. Often greasy and sintered hair causes a lot of problems, and then we have to pay more attention to them than usual. Sebaceous glands have extremely…

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