How to Take Care of Your Hair in the Summer?

Remember that the hair should be carefully nurtured in both winter and summer. It is important to find the hair products that are appropriate to your hair type and structure. For daily care in both winter and summer it is necessary to find some appropriate shampoo and balm or conditioner, but for intensive care (about once every one or two weeks) – masks with healing, rejuvenating, and cleansing effect, natural oils, vitamins, and mineral ampoules. Also special vitamins and minerals that promote hair growth are recommended.

What is needed to revitalize damaged hair, for example, in the summer after intensive bathing or long stay in the sun?

  • Healthy lifestyle. If you have a regular physical load, hair follicles are well vascularised and equipped with the necessary nutrients, which promote hair growth.
  • A balanced diet. It is important to eat protein-rich products, products with low fat content, vitamins A, B, C, and minerals like iron, calcium, and salt.
  • Intensive scalp care. Choose healing masks that contain such minerals as calcium, magnesium, iron, etc., vitamins as well as oils such as ylang-ylang, rosewood, sandalwood, rosemary, tea tree, etc.

Products for hair care can be found everywhere – in the meadow, garden, and even in the fridge. Although hair care like this requires more time and patience, it helps to save money and to get a healthy hair.

A good alternative to traditional hair detergents are natural shampoos. They are useful for people with allergies as well. The best-known of such products is rye bread, which is recommended to be used in conjunction with decoction of plantain, nettle, and chamomile herbals. Pour the tablespoon of herbals with hot water and leave it for two hours. Then cool and percolate it. Then crumble the bread crumb in the decoction and mix it until a homogeneous mass. Spread this mixture over the scalp, cover it with a towel and leave it for 15 minutes. Then rinse the hair with big amount of water. This mixture soothes irritated scalp and strengthens hair roots. If the hair is dry, they can be rubbed with the olive oil or castor oil, wrapped in a hot towel and left for one hour. After that massage the scalp with one egg yolk and rinse with the decoction of healing herbs.

Hair can be washed in a mixture that is made from two egg yolks, juice of half a lemon, and a half teaspoon of cognac. If you do not have a lemon and a cognac, mix the egg yolk with a little amount of water. Spread this mixture over the scalp and leave it for half an hour. Then rinse the hair with acidified water (with lemon) and then rinse them with clean water. If you want to pamper your hair, then a couple of times a month rub them with curdled milk before washing. After that thoroughly rinse them with warm water.

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